Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2024

Le Modern Workplace Conference Paris a eu lieu le 18 et 19 mars 2024. J’y ai animé une session avec Franck Catinot. L’événement La conférence Microsoft 365 et Power Platform revient en présentiel à l’espace St Martin au coeur de Paris.

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Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2023

Le Modern Workplace Conference Paris a eu lieu le 27 et 28 mars 2023. J’y ai animé une session avec Rémi Riche. L’événement In line with previous conferences organized each year in Paris (SPSParis 4 editions, MS Cloud Summit, 50+ aOS/aMS worldwide events, 4 edtions of MWCP) by French and French-speaking community around Microsoft Modern Workplace, we are proud and excited to present the Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2023.

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Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2022

Le Modern Workplace Conference Paris a eu lieu du 24 au 26 janvier 2022. J’y ai animé une session sur les solutions Power Platform. L’événement In the same spririt as previous international conferences organized in Paris by French speaking community around Microsoft Collaborative platform, we are thrilled to invite you at Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2022.

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